Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Announcement : 26/09/2012

1. Tomorrow we have an Embryology class from 4-5 pm.

In case of more changes in the Anatomy time-table, will post 'em here tomorrow.

2. October and November, there will be another class on Thursdays from 8am to 9am which will be of Biochemistry. October : 4 such classes. November : 5 of them.

That's it for today
You can contact anytime by commenting or mailing.


Biochemistry Schedule, Notices and Mid-term Syllabus

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Schedule for Monday, 22 September 2012

1. There was a confusion between the timings of the anatomy schedule and the physiology midterm. Exam will now be held from 9-11 am . 12-4 pm we will be having anatomy classes that were previously being held in the morning.

2. IMPORTANT : Get your own sheets for the midterm. Sheets will not be provided by the department.

That's it


So here's what you can do.

If you have anything to say or ask, you can comment. Just click on the comment option below the related post. If you have a private query, you can mail me on

You have something to submit for the page, you can mail that too.



Hello, there :)

Hi girls.
It's me. Lady Hardinge.

This is the new blog for the first years at LHMC.

I'm going to be posting here pretty frequently now. So you better check it regularly :)

Time tables come online starting monday

All the best for your physio midterm !!

Signing off